the other night, i woke up suddenly and had this song running through my head. it came out of nowhere and i couldn't escape its repetition.
"your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me."
over and over and over it played.
and i was reminded of how vast God's love is for me. its huge, gigantic, overwhelming.
for this i am thankful. because of this i can breathe. no matter what life brings, God's love will carry me through. it gives me power and strength. it gives me courage and peace. his love gives me life.
over the last year there have been many times that i wonder how i've made it through these trials. sometimes i feel as if i'm just floating through life. its hard to explain. but i'm fully confident that its completely God's unconditional love that has sustained me.
despite my trials and losses, one thing remains. your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.
God's Grace is a beautiful miracle! :)