because of our recent move, i was a little behind in completing lucy's room. i had decided on a bright-ish yellow for the walls. i loved the paint chip. mom slapped on two coats in the previously blue room. she texted me and said it was bright...a lemon yellow. she then proceeds to ask "have you ever considered the effects of a yellow room on a baby?" oh great, thanks mom. (side note: my mom has this amazing way of coming up with the weirdest things to worry about, which then causes me to worry. fires, toy boxes opening and falling on kids heads, men hiding under my car ready to slash my ankles and kidnap me, deathly poison found on the headset of a pay know, normal stuff.) so i googled "yellow paint in baby room". what do i find? google tells me that yellow walls make babies irritable, anxious, and overstimulated. thanks, mom and thanks, google. i felt confident that my power as a parent would surpass that of the walls, so i move forward with the whole yellow plan. (google was obviously wrong because lucy sleeps 12 hours a night and has been for a while now.)
i'll admit, i thought my mom was overreacting about the brightness of the yellow. but as i walk up the stairs and turn toward the bedroom i literally had to look for my sunglasses. it was not only bright, it was florescent. so...we go buy another gallon of a different shade of yellow and its perfect now.
with a little fabric, spray paint, and scrapbook paper i put together the cutest, pinkless baby girl room. it totally fits lucy and i love it.
I love it! Especially the Lucy pillow! You did such a beautiful job