it kind of bugs me when people constantly brag, brag, brag about their kids. i mean, obviously everyone thinks their own child is pretty awesome. i know how that is. but come on, its not like your kid is the first one in all of history to do something cute, smart, or funny. so get over yourself. is surely a very cool thing to watch your child change and learn as they grow. in fact, its amazing. so this is not me bragging...more so just chronicling some actions of my one and a half year old.
he is talking so much now. i remember at his 12 month well child check i was kind of concerned because he wasn't talking much...saying probably 4 to 5 words but that was pretty much it. his doctor lovingly comforted me by saying that usually language explodes between 12 and 15 months. she was totally right. i can't believe i even wasted a second being worried.
jude spends a lot of time with me. its kind of scary how much i catch him doing things that i do. one of my favorites is when jude is eating a meal in his high chair. stella will sit right at his feet, waiting for him to drop food. she often barks which causes jude to point at her and say "no!" i love it. today, jude was playing with my camera. he held it up, pointed it at himself, and pressed the button. that's how i take pictures of he and i when no one else is there to do it. cute is that?!
one more thing. jude often picks up wrappers or pieces of string he sees laying on the floor. again, he gets that from me. so he gets the piece of string, walks to the trash can, and throws it out. boy after my own heart.
jude is always surprising me with things that he says and does.i'm so lucky to get to hang with such a cool dude.
and he is lucky to have such a cool mom too!